Senin, 17 November 2008

He Do It Again

I wanaa do something cool using english:
I have a friend name taufik he told me that he is the best secret keeper in sbi classes so i gave him two of my dirty little secret:
1.I told him that i was the man that using dyana's name at his girlfriend's blog and he told dyana in his girlfriend's blog i really mad at him but still he (although he never did) promise that this will never happen again so i believe in him
2.Today he just broke the promise that he'll never tell anybody about me that like afra but still hee told his girlfriend about it and know the whole class known it
(I type this using english so this just for the student's for whole sbi classe B-))

1 komentar:

さな mengatakan...

taufi gak ngasih tau, kau yang bilang depannya a belakangnya a, aduuuuh, omongan sendiri kok lupa ???